Go Saints! In our mission to develop the whole-child, St. Mary’s provides opportunities for physical, social, and emotional growth through an inclusive, extra-curricular sports program. Age-appropriate, quality programming is provided by staff volunteer coaches who understand and use Canada Sport for Life’s Long-Term Athletic Development model as a framework for training.
Students are provided opportunities to play within St. Mary’s and/or with other schools. As athletes develop an interest or enjoyment of a sport, they are encouraged to continue in community programs which follow Health Canada Guidelines in training and competition structures, and ideally have coaches affiliated with the Coaching Association of Canada. Participating in club or community programs is neither a pre-requisite nor a co-requisite to participating on a St. Mary’s team.
Sports offered range from volleyball, to cross country running, basketball, and track and field. Depending on athletes’ backgrounds and interests, teams may be entered in sports organized by the CISVA Athletics’ Commission. Opportunities for other sports may be offered as staff and student interests and opportunities arise. Practices are held before and after school and during lunch hours. Exhibition and league games and tournaments are held both during and after school hours.
In all extra-curricular athletics, students, coaches, and families are required to follow the model of “reverence, respect, and responsibility”. This means to respect all teammates, coaches, opponents, officials, and spectators. Athletes are to expect the best of themselves and others and to honour their commitment to a team. Athletes, coaches, and families are to accept that when everyone is working their hardest, there will be differences in knowledge and skill, yet everyone is accepted on the team, and our community supports and celebrates learning and one another.
In short, the Principles of Catholic Education are applicable to St. Mary’s Athletics Department, namely that “Catholic Education calls us to witness... the inherent dignity of every human person, especially the marginalized and most vulnerable”, and that “Catholic Education is inclusive and welcoming where every student is nurtured in developing a right relationship with God and others by balancing the rights of the individual with the common good”. This is the ultimate expression of teamwork.