Bullying in its truest form is comprised of a series of repeated, intentionally cruel incidents involving students. Bullying, which includes acts of physical violence as well as verbal assaults, will not be tolerated in the classroom or on the school grounds. We encourage all students to report all acts of bullying to an adult, teacher, parent or principal. Teachers and the administration will with each case inform parents of actions to be taken. Along with appropriate consequences students will be assigned a learning package to be completed and kept on file.
Continued bullying by a student will result in suspension and may lead to expulsion.
The school's goals are:
Strategies to prevent bullying will only be effective when placed within the context of our Catholic culture where respect for all others, made in God’s image, is consistently taught and demonstrated in every aspect of school life. Christian values, which represent the antithesis of bullying, must be continually affirmed in words and actions.
Strategies to Prevent Bullying
erase = Expect Respect & A Safe Education
erase is all about building safe and caring school communities. This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students.
For more information specifically follow the link for Bullying